that page doesnt exist lil bro

Hey Squidward, shut the fuck up. I don't know what your problem is, man. I have 30 minutes for lunch and I'm spending them here, alright? There's no one behind me in line; so what if I took an extra 10 seconds to order. Who cares, man. You really are something else, you know that? Y-you lash out at people, and why? Because you hate your job? News flash, ASSHOLE. Everyone hates their job. I work at the grocery store; I have to deal with bullshit all the time too. But I don't act like a sarcastic prick with customers. You know, Squidward, this town does not like you, and it's not because you're some kind of misunderstood artist, or-or genius, or we just don't get you, it's because you're mean. Alright? Look at Spongebob. He works in front of a hot grill all day, but we all like him, and you know why? Because he's NICE. He says HELLO to us. Look man, I don't wanna be this type of customer, you know, I-I don't like to start fights with folks, but like, y-you can't do that, alright? And I'm not gonna call out Mr. Krabs or anything, I-I just wanna get my food and go. Please learn from this. Alright? Thank you.